Now we need to upload the file to our router.– Add below the auth-user-pass line the following: route-nopull – Change auth-user-pass to auth-user-pass /config/auth/vpnauth.txt Open the configuration file (right-click it, open with notepad), we need to make two changes in the file:.In the recommended server block (left side) click on Show all protocols and download the OpenVPN UDP config.

NordVPN has a great tool to find the best server near your location, which you can find here.

To connect to the EdgeRouter over SSH we will use Putty and upload the configuration files to the router we are going to use WinSCP. In this article, I will explain how you can set up the EdgeRouter as a VPN Client for the three largest VPN providers, NordVPN, Surfshark, and ExpressVPN. With an Edgerouter though, you can setup the VPN for your whole network. Now the downside of VPN is that you will need a client on your device to connect to the VPN server, something that isn’t possible with your smart tv for example.
They protect your privacy and allow you to use the internet without any restrictions (Think of watching Netflix series that are not available in your county yet). VPN clients are getting really popular in the last couple of years and for a good reason.